Video Guides

3. AFK and Gamepad Features

4. Retrieving Joystick Information

5. Changing the UI Palette

6.1 Profiles - Distributing to other devices

6. Managing Profiles - Local

8.1 Configuring the buttons - vJoy

7. Panels Overview

9. Using the Comms Panel

8. Configuring the buttons - Keybinds

10. Responsiveness and using the flight controls.

11.1 Setting up Cinematic Panel Controls

11.2 Using the Cinematics Panel

11.3 Making overlays

Getting Started

1. Downloading, installing and starting the Server on your PC

1.1 Go to the Downloads section on this website to download the GameTouch Controller Server.

Run the GTS_InstallRelease(version).exe to install the GameTouch Server on your system. Run the server from the desktop shortcut (if created) or the program installation folder (GameTouch_Server.exe).

!!!!! NOTE: The next step (installing the Virtual Joystick Driver) is not required however, if you skip this step, you will not be able to use the analogue inputs in the app (Gamepad, throttle sliders on the Flight Panel etc). !!!!!

!!!!! NOTE: Whilst not required, it is recommended you disconnect any joysticks/gamepads before installing vJoy, there has been conflicts with some controllers, of note - XBOX controller. Please report if you have different joysticks and experience an issue !!!!!

!!!!! NOTE: Star Citizen Bug - There is currently a bug in Star Citizen control profile allocation which can prevent SC from loading if the controller layout has changed (i.e joystick 1 moved to 2 etc), but the devices names have not. Recommend backing up SC control profiles before installing vJoy or any additional hardware joysticks devices.

Once the server is open, use the [INSTALL VIRTUAL JOYSTICKS] button to install the virtual joystick, or skip.

On some setups, the vJoy install may stop at 100%. If the vJoy install hangs at 100% after ~20 seconds you will be prompted to manually finish the install, or you can do it manually using the [FINISH VJOY INSTALL] button on the server.

There is also a button to [AUTOMATICALLY ADD A FIREWALL RULE] if windows do not prompt for it the first time the server is started. From Open Beta v3.12 If you have internet access, You should be prompted if there is [SERVER UPDATE AVAILABLE] with a button linked to the downloads page. 

There is no need to uninstall the old version, Just install the new version and it will overwrite. (Server must be closed before updating)

There is also a button which will [OPEN THE PROFILES FOLDER] where profiles are sent from the clients. See 6.2 - Managing Profiles.

Pressing the [VERSION NUMBER] will bring up a drop-down with an overview of the patch notes, more detailed changes can be found on the website Patch-Notes for larger releases.

!!!!!!   NOTE !: If you do not install vJoy, you will not be able to take advantage of the analogue controls.  !!!!!

After finishing the vJoy install (optional see note above), press the big [POWER] button (Above) - This will report your server IP address used for Manual Client Connections. 

The port will default to 49200 if left on AUTO. The port can be set Manually anywhere between 49152–65535 and by selecting AUTO and typing the desired port.

After pressing the Power Button, it should turn green, report the IP address to indicate the server is ready to accept connections and automatically transition to the next screen for client and message information. This screen will show Connected Clients and an overview of the messages being received by the server.

!!!!!!   NOTE !: Automatic Connection will not work unless the port is set to 49200 or left at AUTO.  !!!!!

1.1 Optional - advanced vJoy setup

No longer required post 9.83

For users already using vJoy or who wish to use a more advanced setup, additional vJoy Devices can be created and then specifically assigned to GameTouch Controller. 

After vJoy is installed you can look in the windows search to find the [CONFIGURE vJoy] options. Here you can select any available number from 1-15 listed at the top and select [ADD DEVICE] upon completion it will ask you to restart your system to apply the changes (required).

Once a restart has been completed, you can check the [CONFIGURE vJoy] again and see the New Device will be green, in the example here I have added device 4. I also suggest setting the number of buttons to 128, as you can now set buttons to be joy buttons also by replacing the "key" with joyX eg. to set a button as joy button 7 enter joy7 in the "key" field (see 6.5 configuring buttons on the combat hud).

Now that you have added an additional device, you need to tell GameTouch Controller server which device to assign. This is simply done using the [INPUT BOX] on the server screen entering the number. In this case I have entered 4 because that is the device that was added in the previous step.

After doing [RUN CALIBRATION] you will be prompted with yellow text [Press continue after selecting properties on your vJoy device] Select the device which corresponds to the device you have selected (in this case pick which on is device 4) then press [PROPERTIES]

!!!!!!   NOTE !: The vJoy devices aren't labelled as to which number they are, an easy way to find out is after selecting properties close the calibration window, open the gamepad and move the joysticks. If they move it is the correct vJoy Device  !!!!!

After selecting [PROPERTIES] for the corresponding device number you have entered in the server you can press [CONTINUE CALIBRATION] and it will proceed to automatically calibrate the joysticks as per 3.0 Calibrating the Virtual Joysticks.

2. Downloading, installing and starting the client on your chosen devices.

Download and install the client on you chosen devices from the Downloads section of this site.

Once the client is installed on your device, run it and choose your desired connection method by selecting [CONNECTION SETTINGS]. You will be greeted by a slide down menu with [AUTO] in green, or Manual with input Options for REMOTE PORT and IP ADDRESS. 

If using the MANUAL method, the IP ADDRESS and PORT must match what is reported on the server. When closing the panel in Manual Mode. the settings will be saved for the next time you start the App.

If using the [AUTO] method, nothing is required and you can close this screen.

Press the large [POWER BUTTON] and it should search for the server, connect, the power button will go green, and finally automatically transition to the Game Select Screen.

2.1 Connecting a Windows Client

For users wishing to use a Windows Client, 

!!!!!!   NOTE !: You system time on you iOS/Android Device must be the same as your Windows Client to Authenticate  !!!!!

The Game Select Screen

3. Calibrating the Virtual Joysticks

Known Issues !

The vJoy Calibration currently only works on systems in English due to pressing [N] for next etc in the calibration process. A simple fix in the interim is to just change the system language to English before running the calibration. (see below)

Pressing your devices "Back/Forward" buttons may cause a crash. Use the app back buttons.

3.1 The Game Select screen currently has the options of:

Away From Keyboard

Star Citizen

Gamepad, and

Calibrate Joysticks 

While connected to the server ! - Select the [CALIBRATE JOYSTICKS] button in the bottom left.

After doing [RUN CALIBRATION] in 3.0 you will be prompted with yellow text [Press continue after selecting properties on your vJoy device] Select the device which corresponds to the device you have selected 

(in this example I have 2 Vjoy devices but you will only have one unless setting up multiples from the optional advanced vjoy setup) then press [PROPERTIES]

Once you see the "vJoy device properties window below press [CONTINUE CALIBRATION] and it will proceed to automatically calibrate the joysticks

The server should automatically run through the processes below.

During the process the RUN CALIBRATION button will disappear and status will report "CALIBRATION IS RUNNING WAIT UNTIL THE CALIBRATION IS COMPLETE", on completion, the status will change to CALIBRATION COMPLETE. 

The initial setup is now complete. Close this window and return the the Game Select screen.

!!!!! NOTE - This process should only have to be done once, or if you uninstall/re-install the virtual joysticks. The exclamation ! next to the joystick icon should disappear once the calibration has been run successfully !!!!!

!!!!! NOTE - if vJoy is not installed, you will be informed and the calibration will not run !!!!!

4. Away From Keyboard

4.1 Starting - Away From Keyboard

The AFK Feature allows you to prevent automatic time-outs by getting the server to generate randomised inputs for a desired duration. The input duration can be set using the [AFK DURATION] below. You will then be prompted to enter a time in hours minutes seconds.

Press SET, close the window and press the ['big AFK image'] and you will be shown the current time remaining and time until the next input.

4.2 Stopping - Away From Keyboard

Press the 'big AFK image' again to stop the server from generating inputs.

The inputs are currently w,a,s,d or space, randomly selected, then pressed at a random interval between 1 and 5 minutes, and when pressed; pressed for a random duration from 1-5 seconds. 

!!!!! - NOTE: This AFK feature should not be used to violate any system or application EULA, GameTouch Controller or it's affiliates are not responsible for any real or perceived negative results as a result of using this feature including but not limited to, EULA violations, character deaths, loss of items !!!!!

!!!!! - NOTE: If the client disconnects, the server will automatically stop the AFK process !!!!! 

5. The Gamepad

The Gamepad uses the Virtual Joystick driver to act as a Gamepad on your device. It can configured as an X-Box or Generic controller to function in steam.

6. Star Citizen

6.1 Star Citizen - Main Panel

6.1 The star citizen Main Panel consists of the Main Panel Toolbar seen below, and the panel buttons for several Star Citizen modes. [EXIT] will return you to the GameSelect screen. 

6.2 Managing Profiles

LOADING Profiles

Selecting [PROFILE], will activate the drop down where you can [SAVE], [LOAD] and [DELETE] custom Profiles. Selecting [PROFILE] will provide a drop-down list of your currently saved profiles.

SAVING Profiles

To save a profile, simply type the name you wish to save it as in the input box and press save. The disk icon should get a tick to indicate that the profile is saved and it will be added to the list. 


To delete a profile, select the profile you wish to delete from the list. It will become the active profile, then press [DELETE] in red, You will be asked to [CONFIRM] before deleting the profile. After confirming you will be prompted that the current profile is UNSAVED ! and that the profile was [DELETED].

After confirming you will be prompted that the current profile is UNSAVED ! and that the profile was [DELETED].

The DEFAULT Profile

The profile named DEFAULT is the profile which will be automatically loaded when the application starts, it can either be set as default by using the save method above and setting the name as 'default' or by using the SET DEFAULT button on the Main Panel.

When pressing the [SET DEFAULT] button on the Main Panel, you will be prompted to 'HOLD TO SET" holding the [SET DEFAULT] button down for 3 seconds will set the currently active profile as the DEFAULT and the disk indicator will show a green tick to indicate the operation is complete.

!!!!! - NOTE: The STANDARD profile cannot be overwritten, it will be reset on next load. This ensures you always have a profile to load if you delete them all. !!!!!

There are options to send all client profiles to the server or retrieve all profiles located on the server to the client. This can be useful to transfer your profiles from one device to all your other devices. Simply [SEND PROFILES] from one client, then on the other client [GET PROFILES]

Profiles are saved in:

\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\GameTouchServer 

6.3 Changing the Palette

To allow you to match the UI Palette to your ships HUD the [PALETTE] button indicated below will allow you to change the box and font colors for the entire Star Citizen Button UI. Either by using the color wheel, sliders or HEX Value you can customise the palette. 

Pressing [SET] will then apply that to the currently active profile.

6.4 The combat HUD Panels 

The current 6 combat HUD panels (FLIGHT, VEHICLES, MINING, FPS, TURRET, COMMUNICATIONS) each have their own layout and standard configuration based on the game play they are intended to support

6.5 Configuring buttons on the combat HUD Panels.

All of the buttons with the exception of the 'Power Triangle' on the Flight Panel and 'Push to Talk' on FPS and COMMS Panel can be fully customised and named to perform any keystroke input. Some inputs are Pre-Set in the Standard Profile as examples.

From any Panel, press the [CONFIGURE] button in the top right to enter the configuration mode. The screen will change to showing you the current bindings for each key. Selecting any key from this screen will bring down the Button Configuration Slide.

On the Button Configuration Drop-down Slide, a Button Name and Key can be assigned to the button. For keys that aren't single characters such as 'Numpad 0-9', Insert, Backspace etc. A list of those entries can be found by pressing the [ ? ] button. This will show a drop-down slide with the button allocations. In this example we have changed from 'R' to numpad7.

HOM - Home Panel, FLT - Flight Panel, MIN - Mining Panel, VEH - Vehicles Panel, TUR - Turret Panel, COM - Comms Panel, or NIL - No auto transition. PRV - will transition to the previous screen you were on.

A useful application of this feature is to select FLT (Flight Panel) for you Flight Ready binding, or FPS for a Leave Seat button. Seen in the examples above

The next step is to assign the [Desired Modifiers]. 

HOLD : This will automatically hold the key press long enough for Star Citizen to recognize it as held.

SHIFT, ALT, CTRL : These will toggle any combination of selected modifiers to be held whilst pressing the assigned Key. eg [CTRL + 9] , [CTRL+ALT +K], HOLD [ALT+P]. 

Then if you wish the command to automatically transition to another screen, a screen can be selected from the [Drop-down menu].

!!!!! - NOTE: The Power Triangle takes advantage of the F5-F8 (default Star Citizen Assignments) keys. If you change these from their defaults in game the Power Triangle will not function. !!!!!

6.6 Configuring Virtual Joystick Inputs.

!!!!! - NOTE: If you do not have joysticks already, vJoy will act as the first HOTAS you have connected, subsequently Star Citizen will bind all of the vJoy inputs to various controls. Before continuing I suggest unbinding all the HOTAS bindings created by star citizen defaults. !!!!!

In addition to the Key Commands, GameTouch can take advantage of analogue inputs using virtual joysticks. Sliders and Virtual Thumb Sticks of which there are 4 are several types;

SCM - Uses a logarithmic scale to closely  match the Star Citizen input for SCM Speeds. 

-100% to +100% Slider - Used for assigning to Axis which have a center point such as strafe up/down.

0% to 100% Slider - Useful for things like the mining laser power.

They are assigned in star citizen in the say way as physical joysticks. Select the desired assignment in the Star Citizen settings for Joystick/HOTAS bindings, then move the slider you wish to assign. Communications Panel all 

In the example below we have selected Speed Limiter absolute in Star Citizen settings and then when it says waiting for input, moved the SCM Slider on the GameTouch Flight Panel.

They are now options to set preset locations for the SCM and additional analogue inputs on the Flight Panel.

Moving the respective indicator to a point on the slider and holding the [UP or DOWN] arrows for 2 seconds will align the [PRESET INDICATOR] to that point. 

Tapping the [UP or DOWN] arrows will set the slider to that point.

As many ships have different Zero points Move the Slider on GameTouch Controller until the in-game SCM is aligned with the Zero SCM point, then press and Hold the RESET button to set the new Zero Point for that ship.

The other inputs that are assigned this way are the [Push-to-Talk] buttons currently available on the FPS and COMMS Panels; and on the comms mini-panel accessed from the pop-out on the right hand side of all Panels except the Comms Panel. They are bound to:

Joy Button 6 for GLOBAL 

Joy Button 8 for LOCAL

!!!!! NOTE - The analogue inputs (sliders and virtual thumb sticks) will not function automatically, they need to be bound the Star Citizen controls using the same process to bind standard joystick inputs. !!!!!

!!!!! NOTE - Not completing the Calibrate Joystick in Section 3 can cause the joystick inputs to behave erratically. !!!!!

6.7 The Auto-Radar Ping

The Flight Panel has a function to automatically repeat a radar ping. There is a [SLIDER] with 0 - 10 seconds and a [BUTTON] below the power distribution triangle. Setting a time on the slider and pressing the button will begin the auto-ping and the radar Icon will flash, pressing the button again OR moving the slider to 0 will disable the auto-ping and the icon will turn solid once again.

Within the Configure Screen for of flight panel 2, there is the configuration of the buttons for the power triangle and shield faces.

6.8 Using the COMMUNICATIONS Panel

The Communications Panel allows you to save and rapidly deploy chat messages or console commands. By entering a message in the chat box input,  and pressing the [SEND] button, the message in the GameTouch will automatically enter the chat window, type the message and send it.

Messages can also be saved in any of the 6 customs save slots.  To save a message, type it into the chat box then hold down the button to save it. It will flash green and partially display the saved message to indicate success.

If you have changed the button to enter the chat window from [ENTER], or you with to setup console commands, pressing the [CONFIGURE] button will enter the configuration screen for the Communications Panel. 

By entering a key the the input boxes, it will assign that [KEY] instead of the default [ENTER]. Pressing close will save that key and display it next to the respective save slot or [SEND] button. In the example below we have used r_DisplayInfo 1 with the [ ~ ] key assigned to enter the console instead of the chat window. Pressing the shortcut will automatically enter the console and activate the command to show system information.

6.9 Using the CINEMATICS Panel

The Cinematics panel is intended to help those who like to create visual scenes in a more repeatable and easy way. There are several things that need to be setup to get the most out of the features.

NOTE: The vJoy instillation and calibration is required to do any camera work either on foot or in ground vehicles.

IMPORTANT For a better experience, please read all the NOTES: of this section. IMPORTANT 

Step 1 is to setup the controls which are unbound by default in Star Citizen. make sure the cinematic Panel is set to REALTIME and the DURATIONS are all 0

On the Cinematics Panel of GTc press the [joy/key] toggle button to set the control to virtual joystick, you will see the circular joystick grid.

 Then In the Star Citizen [Options] select [Joystick/Hotas] down the bottom right and then go to [On foot - all] and double click the [inputs for look up/down] and move the [virtual joystick] on the GTc panel up or down to bind it. Repeat this step for the left/right and moving the [virtual joystick] left or right.

Hint: you can use the hexagonal reset button in the top left to recenter the joystick.

NOTE: The vJoy instillation and calibration is required to do any camera work either on foot or in ground vehicles.

NOTE: Star Citizen does not allow you to delete cameras 1,2 and 3.

While still in [On foot - all] scroll down until you find [Zoom in (ads) and zoom out (ads)] Double click the [zoom out (ads)] and when it is waiting for input move the [Zoom Slider] on the GTc Panel down and hit UPDATE. 

Once it binds, press the hexagonal reset in the top left and repeat for zoom in but move the [zoom slider] up.

Next, go to the [Vehicles - View] section of [Joystick/Hotas]

Repeat the steps from on-foot to bind the GTc Joystick to the [look left/right] and [look up/down]

Then repeat steps from on-foot to bind the [zoom in 3rd person] and [zoom out 3rd person] buttons to the [zoom slider]. 

Next, go to the [Vehicles - View] section of [Keyboard/Mouse]

Then bind the individual [look left, look right, look up, look down] buttons

NOTE: these are unbound by default and the defaults which GTc use are:

Look Left = Minus

Look Right = Equals

Look Up = Apostrophe

Look Down = Semi colon

You can make them whatever you want but I recommend not using anything with modifiers as it may not work correctly due to already being required to hold several buttons down to conduct camera modes.

That should complete the setup to allow all the GTc Cinematic panel inputs to function. Pressing the [CONFIGURE] button in the top right of the Cinematics Panel will display the configure screen. Here you can change any bindings to match those you have in Star Citizen if you are using non-default setups. The aforementioned look key bindings are shown here also.

There are 6 standard GTc input buttons on the left which can be configured to anything just like all the other panels. by default they 3 are set to press no button but transition to the respective slides.

The [CAM BUTTONS] at the bottom are the camera preset buttons and are bound to the Star Citizen defaults on Num 1-9 with Num* (multiply) as reset camera. Currently I have not used Num 0 (delete camera) but you could sacrifice a camera, rename it delete cam and use it for that purpose.

The [CAM BUTTONS] do not function do not function like the GTc [Standard Input Buttons] they have limited options when configuring.

They can be Named, individually colored, be set to transition to a screen and, the corresponding key and modifiers can be set.

NOTE: Using Modifiers for camera keys is not recommended due to the nature of holding down several buttons including F4. Also The ALT key is blocked by the engine input while holding F4 for obvious reasons. But the option is there nonetheless for people wanting to do highly customised setups.

6.9.1 - Saving Camera Angles and assigning Panning Presets

Once you have a camera at the desired location, DoF, angle etc. pressing the [CAM BUTTON] down for 3 seconds will save that camera. The [CAM BUTTON] will flash green to indicated it has been saved, tapping the [CAM BUTTON] will then recall that camera, even if you are not currently in 3rd person.

Pressing the [PAN PRESET] selection will allow you to assign any of your 9 saved panning presets to that camera to automatically recall and begin than panning on selection.

within the 9 saveable panning presets are 'none' which will disable all panning but still recall the camera, and 'cont.' (continuous) which will recall the camera but continue the existing panning preset which is currently active.

There is also a [RANDOM] button, this will cycle through any camera presets that currently have a panning preset allocated to them (including cont.) at a random interval between 10 and 20 seconds.

There is a Cinematic 'Quick Panel' accessible from all panels except comms which gives you access to the camera/pan presets , random and reset.

6.9.2 - Using the panning controls

The panning controls contain the all the expected camera functions except FoV. Their speed is controlled by how far the slider is moved from the center. The [RESET] button in the top left will reset the panning controls but not the camera. The [RESET] button in the bottom right will reset both camera angle and panning.

The [Joy/Key] toggle button will switch between panning (orbit) using the "keyboard" or using the joystick.

NOTE: If you wish to fly with sticks while simultaneously panning, you need to have the panning mode set to Key

NOTE: To use the camera controls whilst on foot the [Freelook Toggle] must be set to on and the mode must be Joy.

There is a [Realtime/On command] button this will toggle between sending the controls in real-time or waiting until you press the [Update Button]

On the top is a [series of inputs for duration] which take a value in seconds and correspond to their respective panning function. These are best used when the mode is set to [on command]. A duration of 0 is essentially (but not really) "infinite"

NOTE: This will work in real-time to an extent but will not restart the time until you change that input again. 

6.9.3 - Creating Panning Presets

When creating a panning preset the first this you need to do is select which preset you wish to save to. Then adjust the panning controls to your desired preset and press [SAVE], it will ask you to confirm, press [SAVE] again and it will save.

The most effective way to continually make small adjustments to presets with durations is to:

The most effective way to continually make small adjustments to presets without durations is to:

6.10 Overlays/Underlays

The overlay example templates are located on the Downloads page under Overlay Files a Photoshop file and png templates have been placed here for your convenience.

NOTE !! - Files MUST be named correctly and in the .png format.

Overlay files will have their imagery placed on top of all the screen elements including frames.

Underlay files will have their imagery placed beneath  the other elements.

The Palette popup will allow you to tint the overlay/underlay to either the Font or Box colors. 

TIP ! Making an element such as an Icon WHITE will tint it the same color as the respective box/font color. you can see this example as the Main screen icons by default are just an set of white icons on an Overlay set to Box Color

Overlays and underlays can be used on each of the SC Panels. Overlays are made on your PC then placed in the "Backgrounds_StarCitizen" Folder of the Server. The files can be any dimensions but will stretch to fill the screen.



The format for an Overlay/Underlay pack is just a folder with all the files in the Example Blank from the downloads page. It should look something like this. As of version 8.45 you can now include a file called Overlay_Common.png and/or Underlay_Common.png This will apply those to any panels you haven't created a bespoke file for.

From the File drop down accessed from the Mail Panel, you can now select Get overlays and you will see the data transferring and each file name as it completes 

Overlays/Underlay pack can then be selected from the drop down on the Main Panel.

TIP ! - To test out overlays/underlays faster Download the windows client, you can then drop the overlay folders directly Folder below using the windows copy/paste.


Once you are happy, then transfer it to the Device Client

6.11 Custom Panel (images to come)

Added the custom panel, pressing [CONFIGURE] in the top right will present you with the [+] and [-] buttons pressing [+] will provide a drop down to add a button or radar/ping element. pressing [-] will remove the last touched button. Pressing [SAVE] top right, will save your changes to the current default profile.

7. The General Use Panels

7.1 Using the General Panels

Selecting [GENERAL] from the Game Select Panel will take you to the General Use Panels. 

These are designed to be software UI agnostic and for use with any game/application. 

The [SCREENS] labelled one - eight will take you the configuration for each of the individual screens. 

The [CONFIG] button will take you to the config screen for General Panels for profile management and configuring the General Panel Main screen. 

The [SET DEFAULT] button will set the currently active profile to the default profile top load on start when held for 3 seconds and, 

the [EXIT] will return to the Game Select Screen.

7.2 Configuring the Main Screen

The config screen has several buttons to configure the main screen for the General Panels. 

The [PROFILE] buttons will show the drop-down to manage General Panel profiles. 

The [IMAGE] button will allow you to select a background image for the Main Screen. 

The [IMAGE FOLDER] button will open the folder on the PC where background images are stored. Images can be placed here for transferring to the client using the [GET IMAGES] button. 

The [DELETE IMAGE] button will delete the currently active image.

Selecting any of the screen buttons will provide a drop-down with an [INPUT] that allow to change the name of the button for that screen.

7.3 Managing General Profiles

The profile drop-down has several buttons to manage General Panel profiles

The [SAVE] button will save the current configuration as a profile called whatever is in the [NAME INPUT] box.

[DELETE] will delete the currently active profile. 

The [PROFILE] button will allow you to select a profile from the list of profiles on the client

The [SEND] and [GET] buttons will send profiles from the client to the server for backup and/or distribution to other devices, or get profiles which are stored on the server

The [NAME INPUT] input will show the currently active profile and is where you can name profiles for saving.

7.3 The General Panels

After selecting a [SCREEN] button you will be taken to the Panel for that Screen, each screen has 12 configurable buttons and Notepad accessed by pressing the [PENCIL] on the right of the screen. 

The notepad allows you to take notes and save them for future reference, each screen has it's own individual Notepad which will save as part of the profile.

Pushing the [CONFIG] button will take you to the configuration area for that Panel.

Within the Panel Configuration screen indicated by the gear and spanner overlay, there is an [IMAGE] button which allows you to select a background from the available images, other custom images can be added using the Get Images feature from, 7.2 Configuring the Main Screen.

Pressing [CLOSE] will return you to the active screen and pressing any of the [BUTTONS] will bring down the drop-down to configure the button.

The configuration for each button has an [INPUT] area for the buttons name, and an [INPUT] area to put the key in.

The [ ? ] button will bring down a list of what to put in the key [INPUT] for keys that aren't a single letter/digit

Each of the [KEY MODIFIER] buttons for CTRL/ALT/SHIFT has an option to select either left, right or both. The last drop-down [SCREEN SELECTION] button will allow you to set a screen to automatically transition to.

Finally, [SAVE and CLOSE] buttons are to save the changes or discard and Close.